Why Global Investing - A Necessity for Every Indian Investor
March 19, 2021
6:30 PM - 8:45 PM

Event Gallery - Global Investing

Event Video - Global Investing

Why attend?

Indians Rupee’s purchasing value has halved in the last 15 years against USD. Now, take this statistic and let it sink in your mind. Now, considering that the cost of overseas education (in USA) has not changed (in Dollar Terms) in last 15 Years; but only due to the currency depreciation, the Cost has doubled for the Indian parent.

Moreover, Indian Investor is at a very disadvantageous stage when it comes to the scope of investing opportunities. While he uses products and services provided by the global conglomerates and corporations in India in his daily life, but does not benefit from the global success of such businesses.

Indian Fixed INcome and FD interest rates are in the downward spiral over the past decade and we have seen that falling from 12% to 4.5%.

Things are also not good on the equity landscape side. While we all are bombarded by the India Growth Story, the same has not been equitable. This is apparent from the statistics as we see it:

Top 20 companies now make up for 80% of India corporate profitability considerably shrinking the investment universe for Indian equity investors.

This makes the case of diversification all the more important; and that too global diversification.

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