National Council

INDIAN INVESTORS FEDERATION is the leading Non – Profit Organization that develops collective thought- leadership to strengthen the investment ecosystem in India. The Federation’s purpose is to Engage, Enable and Empower Indian investors and be an instrument to bring change and shape Indian investment ecosystem; by addressing key challenges, bring awareness through investment outreach awareness programs and initiate key reforms in the Indian investment landscape through policy recommendations to the government, regulatory bodies and product providers at large, with a vision to impact 20 Million investors by 2030. 

With this objective, the National Council is comprised to take the objective of the federation ahead.


Members of the National Council you would be :

  • A Part of Think Tank : Sharing of ideas & thoughts, which could help in drafting policy recommendations to the regulatory bodies and the government.
  • Involved in setting up long term agenda and be instrumental in setting long-term roadmap for the area of your knowledge and other objectives of the Federation. 
  • A Representative of  Indian Investors Federation on the various task forces / committees constituted by Central Government / State Governments and / or investment bodies. 
  • Be a part of delegations for  meetings with central & state governments, international delegations, wherever & whenever possible.
  • Suggest investment outreach awareness programs, events & activities, and  associate with them, as & when possible.
  • Acting as a Chair or be member of  the committee related to your  area of  knowledge & expertise.

Members of the National Council work together; and are instrumental in developing resilient investment ecosystem, and being a leading voice of the investor community.


National Council​ Members

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Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

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